Thursday, October 9, 2008

Lipstick on Pitbull

Loosing ground in the polls, Senilator John McNasty and his running mate Governatore Sarah Pittbull have been now accusing Barack Obama of associating with terrorists in recent days, and as a result, debilitated audience members at McCane of vorms and Palin rallies have called Obama a "terrorist" and threatened to kill him.
The facts are that, at a Monday rally in Fort Myers, in Florida (geeeez we even didn't check how many hicks were living in this town before buying our house there...), Palin with inflamatories terms told her fans that Obama "launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist." How much nasty and dirty this can be???
She was obviously referring to 1960's radical Bill Ayers, a man who, like a lot of people who came of age in the tumultuous Vietnam war era, is now part of the Illinois establishment.
He is now a professor and teaches at the University of Illinois at Chicago, lives in the trendy Hyde Park neighborhood and sits on several civic boards.
Obama was a child when Ayers was heading up a radical group known as the Weather Underground. He was 7 years old!!! Duh.... Halllooooo.... And some people swallow what she is saying? Wow! talk being ingnorant, closed minded or misinformed about your own country business...
Sarah Palin was litterally on the verge of inciting a race riot. The heated Republican audience members hurled some racial epiteph at an African American member of the media, while other audience members yelled "kill him" and "treason!" when Barack Obama's name was mentioned. Of course and disgustingly, Palin did nothing to stop the attacks but instead reportedly responded: "Boy, you guys just get it!" . In my country, like in many civilised Nations she would be charged and procecuted for "Incitation a la haine raciale" which I can translate as "incitement to racial hatred"
It should not be OK for a presidential or vice presidential candidate to incite people to engage in abusive behavior.
Sarah Palin is showing herself to be a right wing radical that probably has connections with right wing radical groups who bombed abortion Clinics and the rest. Her unscrupulous rhetoric has no place in any real political forum local are federal. She has no obvious integrity and is embarrassment to the American folks she is suppose to represent. She has turned speaking engagements to Klan rallies and McCain is guilty by association. She in her virulent rumblings are worst than Limbaugh and O' Reilly.

In fact does any of you knows really what look like a pitbull in a Palin's suit?...

It look like that....

But don't be fooled by the appearance... In French we are used to say :"The cassock doesn't make the Monk"
Given this countries history, and knowing the number of psychos racist gun lovers living who would love to act in that sense, I don't think ignoring people in the crowd when they shouted out KILL HIM, referring to Obama was the best thing for McCain to do. All it did was make him look like the leader of a lynch mob.

Had this ugly incident occurred at an Obama rally, the McCain camp would be asking him to apologize to voters and to denounce the hateful behavior.

That doesn't make them look like a team of mavericks.
It makes them look like a team of nasty bigots.

In the mean time Cinderella in the role of a desperate housewife dressed in a "haute couture" military suit, wearing some make believe battle diamonds decorations on her right chest is doing her share... She now beleives that her son his the only American's son to go to risk his life in Irak and claimed that his life is at risk because of Obama!... LOL... She stated and I quote "The day that Sen. Barack Obama decided to cast a vote to not fund my son while he was serving sent a cold chill through my body," but she did not note that her husband himself voted against legislation to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in March 2007 along with all but two of his fellow Republican senators and that Obama had voted against the bill in the senate last year, but later supported a version of the legislation that included a timetable to withdraw troops from the Middle Eastern state. Duh... I knew that she is obviously blonde, but to that point?... And I would like to ask to Cindy : who voted for the war in the first place? Senator Obama or her remote controlled animated brain dead husband? Is she the one who start to have the first symptoms of Alzheimers instead of him?... or is she victim of her own ignorance or selective memory...

Anyhow, she'is revealing being pretty nasty too. But who should be surprised anyway since she is a conservative Republican...
Talk about dirty pratice, lies and manipulation to attempt to steal the White House again...


Anonymous said...

are you creating these pictures yourself or finding them on the internet? very funny and very creative.
and as far as Ft. Myers, well, be careful who you befriend there.. most of Florida is still made up of what we call Florida "crackers."

Philippe said...

Anonymous #2.. I guess you didn't read my first post in this blog which is why you didn't get my "term of use policy"... This is not a place where I will enter a debate whereabout I am right or I am wrong, and I will certainly not accept propaganda supporting the radical right wing/ conservative / republican ideology.
Per consequent your post is being deleted, since as I stated, I will be the dictator of this blog.
Neither less your post was an obvious "copy and paste" doccument and wasn't signed.

Philippe said...

The post I deleted doesn't appear anymore and my comment doesn't concern anonymous #1, to which I didn't answer the question yet...
I find most of those pictures on the internets, of course and some are doctored by me.

Anonymous said...

Phillippe, I love your sense of humor, and couldn't agree with you more. I'm really enjoying you new blog, keep it coming.
