Saturday, October 11, 2008

A bridge to somewhere...

Who is Molly McCann? Yes I said McCann and not McCain!... And she is not this Molly McCann : .

McCann...McCain... Must to be something with those people to even have almost the same name... It is perhaps something like genetic? Or is it just "in the fashion" of the moment?...
Molly McCann is Sarah Stalin's younger sister who was involved in a dirty divorce. McCann and her ex-husband Mike Wooten, a state trooper in Alaska, have been embroiled in a custody battle since their divorce. After this divorde she took back her first ex-husband name, because of course as you can understand she was born "Heath" and not McCann...

On the other hand, as everybody certainly alreday knows, Palin is being investigated over the firing of the Department of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, whom she fired in July 2008. Monegan alleges that he was asked to fire Wooten and when he did not comply, he was fired.

All right, with their usual rethoric John McCain and Sarah Palin both claim to want to come in and change Washington, but here is Sarah Palin’s idea of change:

A Judge warned Palin in 2005 to back off brother-in-law’s job - Yes you read it, an Alaska judge warned Gov. Sarah Palin’s family against trying to get her then-brother-in-law fired. That warning came long before the controversy over her dismissal of the brother-in-law’s boss, the state’s public safety commissioner, records show.
Palin, the Republican nominee for vice president, is battling allegations she and her advisers pressured Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan to fire her sister’s husband, State Trooper Mike Wooten. Nah... of course she didn't did anything... Since she is the running mate of Cinderella's husband she beleives she is snow white! But does she really think people will swallow her idea of transparency?

Palin’s sister, Molly McCann, and Wooten were in the process of getting a divorce when the judge hearing the couple’s case said McCann’s family appeared to be putting Wooten’s job at risk at a time when he would be required to pay child support.

Gobernatore Parah Stalin claims she didn't did any wrong doing, and that privates matters and family business didn't interfered in the States Affairs... It's like the other story in conflict with what she preach...

But, according to an investigation by the Alaska Legislature released Friday, Sarah Palin, the Republican U.S. vice-presidential candidate, abused her powers as governor of Alaska by pressuring subordinates to try to get her former brother-in-law, a state trooper, fired.
The report concludes that the action was a violation of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act...

Does American people really want another Vice president in office doing the same shit that Dicky Cheney?

This is the same kind of corrupt abusive behavior Washington has been dealing with during the Bush Administration. Palin is simply a defective Clone of W.

Do you want her a heartbeat away from the oval office? If She will defy a state judge’s warning over trying to get her brother in law fired during a divorce, how badly will she flaunt orders from the Supreme Court...

The 236-page report found that Palin had exerted pressure to get State Trooper Michael Wooten dismissed and also allowed her husband and subordinates to press for Wooten's firing as a result of a messy divorce proceeding between Wooten and Palin's sister in 2005.
"Such impermissible and repeated contacts," the report states, "create conflicts of interests for subordinate employees who must choose to either please a superior or run the risk of facing that superior's displeasure and the possible consequences of that displeasure."

With their lies, manipulation, abuse of power, intimidation, death threat, etc.. they are trying to build a bridge to somewhere... They are trying to build their bridge to the White House in the most trashy way, as Republicans always did...


Anonymous said...

Dear Philippe, Honestly I am so depressed, the world has been sucked into this mess and all I can do is vote for the lesser of two evils. I am so sick of the back and forth coverage of this election. SXM politics is no better. My better half tells me not to worry and claims I live in my own world anyway. That doesn't help. My friends are divided and avoiding each other. Never have I seen so much separation. This is a crisis!!! Love, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Re Wendy: The US has been polarized for years and this year is no worse than other elections, but as we get on and have heard the rhetoric repaeated so many times it gets depressing. Of the 50% that do vote, 40 to 45% vote either Dem or anywhere from 10 t0 20% of the 50% actually decide. Nothing changes.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your reply... I have compassion for the helpless animals in this world and I can say it shows alot of character of a person who has compassion for animals. That said...I read everything I can find about SXM and I came across some AUC med. student terrorizing the neighborhood with his/her Pit bull. Unbelieveable!,69292

Philippe said...

Sounds like McCain trying to terrorise the world with his Pitbull named Sarah...LOL.
W. you know my love and compassion for animals, and yes sometime for pitbull, depends how they are raised and trained they can be more gentle than a poodle, but I am not sympathising nore compassionate to those type of pitbull, you and me are talking about. Pitbull Sarah is not helpless, well the opposite, she is an animal serial killer.