Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Good! You made it up to here so far...
And I believe that if you came up to here it is because:
A - You know me enough to know where I stand with my views and you are convinced that you will get a blast or at least a smile reading this new baby!
B - You think you know me and you hope you will not be "surprised" and/or proved wrong, so you think you will be all right and not offended with my posts and you think you will be able to handle them without reacting negatively (you will understand why I am saying that here below).
C - You are not sure in fact, but you assume that you can handle pretty much everything even if it is sarcasm and critics directed to the people you belong, and you will managed to refrain responding to me on the nasty way ( you will also understand why I am saying that here below).
D - You just want to confirm that I am a jerk, which you are already convinced since I started to post on TTOL and you know you do not agree with my views but you are here just as a voyeur...(Darn Pervert !!!)... But that's OK, I can deal with that, as long as you shut up, better than I can with an aggressive coward foul mouth!
All right.. doesn't matter anyway why you are here, just lets hope that you will know how to behave in your comments because as I stated in the header of this blog I am a liberal but I will be the dictator of Bloggus Satiricum for the simple reason I explain in my original Blog : I don't want a debate, I don't want argumentation, I don't want challenges! You like it: you comment, you don't like it: you put it in your pocket and you move on! Any comments I will feel being inappropriate will be deleted, so over all, like any old good dictatorship, if you do not agree with what I post you have the right to shut up ( or to go back on exile to another blog), and censure oblige, only positively oriented and flatterous comments will be maintain, which mean that if you, somehow, agree with what I post, you find it funny, or you can add a little bit more of sarcasm, satire or humour to it then DO IT !!!! Post your comment it will be welcome.
So as I said, I am a liberal... On the American political ladder I thought positioning myself somewhere pretty left of Obama, which would be slightly on the left of the position of what we call the "Conservative" French party (are you confused yet?), Sarkozy party, mainly because the French left is totally incompetent and out of touch with reality since the disappearance of late President Francois Mitterrand. So, "pretty" left of Obama, slightly left of the Sarkozy's party, I thought, at least, until I took the political test here : http://www.politicalcompass.org/index and oh boy, I am in fact far off apparently of what I thought since I ended up with a score of Economic Left/Right compass: -6.75 and Social Libertarian/Authoritarian compass: -5.79 which actually position me left of Gandhi and more libertarian than the Dalai Lama (my sister won't be happy !... LOL)... You should take the test and comment on you results (not anonymously... of course!) See here below the charts and how it works :

here are were some people are situated on the chart:

and here is where I stand:

It was a surprised with that! So, with result like that, you can imagine that it is neither less to say how much I dislike conservatives, right wings morons, and debilitating bigotry... I am totally allergic to it and lately when I see and hear on TV or in the newspaper what those people are up to to try to steal the White House again with their dirty tricks, lies, manipulation, intimidation, bullism and bullshitism, I am boiling and it make me sick... Of course, I know and I do not claim that all conservatives are alike since some "friends" of mine are (were... depends if we still friends, LOL) conservatives, but are (were...) also some sort of pleasant, civil, kind and smart (?)... as long as we didn't talk politic, religion, social or racial issues.

But at least they are (were) able to call me "my friend"! And when they are (were) doing so, my stomach doesn't turn upside down, giving me nausea like I had last night watching the debate between Obama and Mc Caca... Mc Insane made me sick every time he called me "my friend" ! I am not his friend, don't want to be and will never be! Does he really believes that he is surrounded by "friends"? That any person he speaks to is his "friend"? People watching a debate are not here for watching him only, but sometime they are watching "that one"... The matter of fact I was there for "that one"!... it shows the level of hypocrisy, senility and also out of touches he is standing for... In his opinion, last night there were all "his friends" and there was the other guy..:"that one"! I guess it must be a Joe 6 pack way to speak...
I have hard time with someone who can be "anti-abortion"(even in the worse case),"pro life" but "pro war", "pro-gun", "pro-death penalty" and "pro-hunt", "anti-gay", or "gay OK" but "anti same sex union" (literally denying the right of the love and acknowledgement of love between two human being... the same people who were against bi-racial unions not so long ago!). I don't understand how some people can be so religious that they preach abstinence before marriage but conceive (as well as their daughter) a child outside wedlock... I don't understand how some people can be so religious and preach charity when their whole life if motivated by greed and materialism... I don't understand when some people are so religious but manipulate evidences and create lies to built and support a war or win an election... I could go for hours!
So then, all right... I am a liberal, we know that now! And I am a liberal who do not believe in god, and since in theory Churches and States are separated since a while, I strongly believe that political issues should not be motivated by religious beliefs or values! Here you go... you see? I am a liberal!
Now all that to say that this new baby will not only be satirical and sarcastic about politic only but also about religion (which is the reason why I warned people that they may be surprised with my views and may not like what I have to say, or joke around with... but remember only one rule : you shut up and do not comment if you do not agree! That's liberalism... isn't it LOL!)
So sarcasms, satire, jokes, bad pictures, chocking pictures, funny or interesting articles belonging here, etc..., all of that will be blogged about by my Holiness, and thus about all topics, politic (with a little "plus" for the conservatives), religion, calorie, fatness, leanness, actuality, intelligence, stupidity, people relationship (and even sex.. hey why not? I am a liberal!), everything, but to start, specially "politic", since it is actuality...
So to just start to give the tone of this blog but more for fun, in fact, here below are some pictures who are talking for themselves about what those past eight years were made of...Do people really think about renewing their vows with the republican party today?


Anonymous said...

oh, the last photo has me in complete stitches.
Keep up the good work P, and never be afraid to open your mouth..
from one big mouth to another LOL

MelissaG said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
As a matter of fact I filled out my ballot lastnight and I didn't vote for either moron. I told the husband that I ought to vote for Winnie the Pooh for President and Mickey Mouse for Vice. We'd be a whole, lot better off. We're doomed either way.....Keep up the good work!!


Philippe said...

Pfeeew... I was afraid to be alone on this side of the bloggosphere! LOL... I am glad that you clicked on the link really!
To many time people are afraid to speak out because afraid of consequences, or of "what people will think of me.." Well, this era should be over, and the ones who are speaking out since 8 years now are the ones who somehow put this fear in the mind of others with bullyist method.. I won't be bullyied, for sure, and I can see you won't be either!

MelissaG said...

Hell no I won't be bullied....just ask anyone who knows me lol. I have a pretty open mind on things, which makes life a whole lot easier (I believe). I'll be checking this blog along with your other one and Barbara's several times a day. Actually, I check them all the time. You guys have great things to say. Helps my day go by faster that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

Excellent! Speaking your mind is an inherent right, just like breathing.

I believe that the segment of the population that has trouble with you, and hopefully me too, is not what I would call conservatives but rather the "religous right" whose belief that their way of life is the only way. Why, because god has told them. I mean isn't that exactly why the terrorist are carrying out their acts, because god told them.

Please continue speaking your mind it's refreshing and entertaining.

Dick Schwartz said...

Thank you, my brother....it's a pleasure to share the blogosphere with you. I look forward to reading much more of your clever outlook on today's political scene. Go Big O !!


Anonymous said...

Hello Philippe, Love your new blog. I have been reading your Blog (s) for a long time but this is the first time I have written. I live in the US but have a house near Dawn Beach (Ocean View Terrace) and come down a couple of times a year. I also visit my Tante in France (Jarnac) as often as I can. I took the political test and I was almost exac tly the same as yours...Great Minds!