Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Mr Sarkozy, President of France was the First to congratulate Obama for his victory last night. Here bellow is the integrality of the letter sent by Nicolas Sarkozy to Barack Obama:


Paris, on November 5, 2008

Mister the President elect,

The American people has just chosen you to preside over its destiny of the next four years.
Receive my most cordial and warm congratulations and, through me, the one of the entire French people. Your brilliant victory rewards a tireless commitment and engagement to the service of the American people. It also crowns equally an exceptional campain, of which the inspiration and the rise proved to the entire world the vitality of the American democracy, at the same time that it held its breath.

While choosing you, this is the choice of change , opening and optimism that did the American people. While the world is in turmoil and in doubts, the American people faithful to its values that have always been the very identity of America, expressed with forces their faith in the progress and in the future.

This message from the American people resonate well far beyond your borders. At time when we must face all together to immense challenges, your election raises in France, in Europe and beyond in the world a huge hope. The one of an America more open, more supportive, more united and stronger that will show again the way, with its partners, by the force of the example and the adhesion to its principles.

France and Europe, which have always been united with the United States by ties of history, values and friendship, there will draw a new energy to work with the America to preserve peace and world prosperity. Be assured that you will be able to count on France and on my personal support.

Please accept, Mister the President Elect, the assurances of my highest consideration


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