Monday, October 20, 2008

John the Dirty Player Versus Joe the Plumber

As a good dumbsporter of McLiar, Joe Wurzelbacher jumped into our lives with a lie. He said he was "getting ready to buy a company" that makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year. "Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, right?" he asked Obama.

John the Senile, always trying to be up Obama's ass instead of explaining his own plans and policies, couldn't wait to jump on the opportunity which he thought was offered on a silver trail, to fulfill the shallowness and emptiness of his prestation in the last presidential debate.
When "Joe" addressed him, Obama assumed he was responding to a pretty well-off guy and John the Nastier jumped on one small part of a sentence Barack pronounced during his exchange with "Joe": "spread the wealth around"...
But oh boy, how I love the way it back fired on John the Dirty Player!... LOL

Wurzelbacher has, since then, admitted that his income is "not even close" to the levels where Obama's taxes kick in and that he's not really poised to buy the company because he can't afford it, and that he had no plan to buy the business he said he was buying. The matter of fact is that the business in question grosses less than half of what "Joe" claimed it does, and his boss hadn't agreed to sell anyway!
Plus, the whole idea that Joe was an undecided middle-minded voter? That got harder to sustain and convince the audience once he started calling Obama a socialist and explaining how evil he thought Social Security was.

Obviously McNasty has a "vetting" problem!
First, his vice president nominee, the Caribou Barbie, and now Joe the plumber aka Joe 6 pack... What will be next?

It turns out Joe has no plumber's license.
- Joe isn't in the plumbers union.
- Joe never did a plumbers apprenticeship.
- Joe's business likely would not be taxed under Obama's proposal.
- Joe might even get a tax cut under Obama's proposal.
- Joe doesn't believe in Social Security.
- Joe is a registered Republican
- Joe's first name isn't Joe, it's Samuel.
- And Samuel hasn't paid his taxes.

Then there was James the Beggar!... This African American in Wisconsin last week, James Harris, begging McMoron to take on Obama..."I am begging you Sir, I am begging you! Take it to him!..." How much drama was that? At first I thought this idiot was an actor payed by the McManip campaign in the process to prove that African Americans are supporting him too! Then I realised that Harris is a conservative radio host...

This guy's holds "history" in his end and he will choose not to vote for change, finally real changes, but go for the past and all its proven failed policies! This is appalling for me... really!

Yet, at least another African American made the good choice, and his name is Colin Powell!
And the matter of fact is that McCain has finally something positive to say and has some news for us :

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Philippe, you just made my day!!!! You really do have a great sense of humor, I love it.