Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ignorance at its best

Fruit flies are used in scientific research, including the study of autism at the University of North Carolina. Sarah Palin, whose youngest son Trig, has Down Syndrome, is trying to say that she would be a great champion for special needs children and their families. Two days ago S. ("S" as "Stupid") Palin gave her first address on Congressional policy should she and John McSenile be elected November 4th. During her presentation which was so misconceived, so offensive, so aggressively stupid, and so dangerous, she mocked the scientific study of fruit flies in Paris, France, and talk about "pet projects" saying she would redefine the priorities (no kidding...) of federal money spent in scientific research and stop to poor it in project which according to her has nothing to do with public good :
"Where does a lot of that earmark money end up, anyway? [...] You've heard about, um, these -- some of these pet projects they really don't make a whole lot of sense, and sometimes these dollars they go to projects having little or nothing to do with the public good. Things like fruit fly research in Paris, France. I kid you not!"
It's hard to know where to begin to deconstruct this statement. This was a speech on autism, AND, fruit flies are used by researchers to study the origins of autism, one of the special needs afflicting some of the very children Gov. Palin was discussing in her speech. She is apparently unaware that scientific research with fruit flies has led to valuable discoveries that have boosted autism research and that Drosophila fruit flies studies showed that a protein called neurexin is essential for proper neurological function -- a discovery with clear implications for autism research.

What else does this blunder say about Palin and her candidacy?
If you had heard the speech, listen to the tone of her voice as she sneers the words "fruit fly research." Check out the disdain and incredulity on her face. How would science, basic or applied, fare under President Palin?

And who wrote this speech? Was it her? Someone else? One of her "adviser"? Was he or she as ignorant as Palin about the central role that fruit flies have played in the last century of biomedical research? Or was this a calculated slight to science and scientists -- a coded way of saying, "We don't care what you know or what you think"?
That is only one of several examples, in which the team Palin McCain shown proper science hostileness (sp)...Science to these folks is creationism.

As Bush does, she also beleives that climatic protection politics is bad, as she doesn't believe yet that humans are responsible for global warming which shows its effect in Alaska particulary strongly
Perhaps the USA needs to sink millions of dollars into the study of publicly ostracizing witches? LOL

Ignorance at its best! But here is another point: she constantly claims that she's from a family of teachers and that her father was a science teacher. How can the child of a science teacher be so amazingly ignorant? Oh... I forgot! She believe she's coming from Adam and Eve...
Bottom line is that extremist Christians are as dangerous as extremist Muslims, or extremist Jews!

People certainly wonder why I am so focus on "her"... Simply because I find her scary and dangerous, and that I am deeply convinced that if elected, McCain would not make it to the middle of his first term...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Those two bigots are really disgusting anyway... Soooo ignorant, they don't know what they are talking about, and the worse is that most of their audience have no idea either! they just listen and believe what they are told! Idiots....