Friday, January 2, 2009


I am disgusted!... totally outraged and disgusted... It is becoming worse than ever, and to me Israel lost the little of credibilty it still had by continuously following its politic of destruction, colonisation and genocide !
I know of course that many will disagree with me, but regarding how we spell their name, there will be no surprise, and in my eyes, their opinions are biased...
Since years, Israel is doing to the people of Palestine, what the Nazi did to them in the Fourty's... Colonisation, deportation, elimination... Elimination by killing, impoverishing, starving, etc... Up to emprison people behind walls or fence, parked in closed and congested territories, like the warsaw guetto was to the Polish Jews... And then claim, with the blind support of the "greatest" Nation in the world, their right to defend themselves! So what about the Palestinian right of self defense then? ugh?...
Watch those picture and try to think if those people, those mothers and fathers, those childrens, will love Israel and the USA in the future or will join militants groups, (called "terrorists" groups by Israel/US coallition) to defend their people, thier nation and their right to survive?
A little reminder : during WWII, the French resistance Groups were called "terrorists" by the Nazi occupation forces ! So it says it all: It all depends on which side you stand to call the others that way...
Israel, through its action and with the total blind support of the USA, is fuelling war and "terrorism"... Total blind support which can be easilly explained, since the Natives Americans were threated pretty much the same way...

Endless !!!... Free them ! give them back THEIR land ! Give them back the right to return to all the deported refugies ! and this will certainly stop.
That's the ONLY solution to the problem...

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